The Brighton Fishermen’s Society
In 1813 the fishermen of the town formed a group in order to formalize the relationship between themselves and the town corporation. The Society would have been headed up by a small committee and a spokesperson who would have represented the issues of the working men of the sea when it came to such things as operating licenses and maintenance of the seafront.
It was in 1972 when Brighton Marina was built that the fishermen were moved by the council to Shoreham-by-Sea and the marina in order to start clearing the beach for safer public use. There remains one stalwart of the community who still fishes most days off the Kemptown Beach opposite the end of Marine Gardens.
The arch bearing the name of the society, next to the museum, is occupied today by one of the fishermen who still operates from the marina and owns the fish shop “Sea Haze” which can be found in the fishing quarter and sells his very best catch of the day! His pots and nets can be seen upstairs through the big windows.