The Quarter Gallery
Established in 1999 shortly after the museum was opened, the Gallery uses another of the arches within the Fishing quarter that formerly housed one of the brighton lifeboats.
With its hanging display boards and modern lighting system this is a wonderful facility for artists, photographers and crafts people to show their work in a beautiful and exciting setting.
The Museum hires the space at a flat rate and does not charge commission on sales. With its doors open to the public it is uniquely situated as one of Brighton’s very special venues.
The Gallery runs exhibitions throughout the year which are curated and hosted mostly by local artists. It can be booked by the week and is also a great venue for a private view at the start of an exhibit.
Wheelchair access is good and there are lots of passers by who come in to browse. You can also advertise your show on the listings in the museum and on the website.

Interactive Tour